Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pressing the Flesh

Love that saying 'Pressing the Flesh'! Used it to describe that I had the pleasure of meeting a number of our class in person. This was at MIT for a working lunch! Lovely food Vicki! Present were Oriel, Dana (he has 11 cats!), Mareena, Misha and Me and the guest of honor Bronwyn who we made work for her money by seeing her afterwards about our assignments. Nice to meet those who I feel I know.

I have made some general notes which I will write up and link in my next blog post once I have made sense of them.

By the way those involved in the discussion the other night that the plan should be 50% and the report 25% Bronwyn agrees. (Doesn't mean it will change now)

The reason for the potato picture is we are all getting to the stage that the fruits of our labour will be showing - ie survey results coming in. These are the fruits of my labour involving three grow bags. Harvested now so I can get the tomatoes in.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Famous Five Met

A small group of us still met online tonight - Dana, Lousie, Liz (from very hot Perth), Rachel and Me. Allowing for Bronwyn apologising before hand that she may not make it we still spent an hour plus looking at issues we have had, any help we can give (Rachel tried her hardest - thanks!) and also looked at our special topic (yes the next course). Dana has nearly completed his and the rest are due to do ours next year. So we looked at what we thought we would do. We even looked at the fact that the plan is 25% of the course but the sweat and blood involved was more like 50% so maybe Bronwyn should swap the marks around with the final report.

Is it time to revisit my previous photo just to remind you of how we felt.

Data collection - I now have 11 completed surveys and sent out the survey to 16. Some teachers had issues with doing the survey online. I think user error is involved so I have given those that contacted me a paper copy.

Also I have completed two interviews using Audacity so I could record and listen to it later. Each interview has taken around 20 minutes. I hope to interview two more teachers and ideally one more who is a lead teacher and a team leader. I feel her interview will bring a balance between the two 'sides' I have talked two so far.

Next point: the rest of the interviews and surveys, looking at the exemplars provided and think how I will structure my final report.