Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Evaluation report - possible ideas

The school has been involved for the last two year in an ICT cluster contract. I have not been involved we part-timers are not always included. I was involved in one afternoon as a teacher was absent - waste of time!

The impression I get from a lot of the teachers is that they didn't get a lot from it. The lead teachers who were sent on training days were meant to share it with others. I have never received anything by email. I asked the principal about this and she said that it is done in team meetings (I am not at them). On further asking of staff they said they hadn't received much at all.

As it is near the end we were all given a survey to complete (interestingly on paper) - I have not heard what came as a result of this. I got to do it as well.

I thought I could to a needs-based report using some teacher (not lead-teachers) look at what they got from the training and what they wanted and maybe included the children to see what they have got from it. This is a bit harder.

This is not going to be easy as I was not involved in the training but this is the best I can think of on a Saturday night!!
 Added this ADDIE Model as I think it will become my mantra for this course.


  1. It certainly seems to be an issue with sharing the learning. Wouldn't it be great if they used a professional blog to report on. Yes i am thinking a needs analysis is a good place for you to start Katie. It will give you the opportunity to explore the range of opportunities in the offing. There are some good examples of needs analysis in the Exemplars section on the Course wiki.

  2. Hi Katie,

    I get disappointed when colleagues are not willing to share resources with each other. I really feel they are dinosaurs and once they see the benefits of sharing, their lives become so much easier in so many ways.

    I really enjoyed reading your blog posts.
    Otara and Addie models are part of my Mantra too.

    Kind regards,


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks Kevin had a classic example of not sharing again today - nearly walked out on a meeting!!

  5. the age old preciousness. well hopefully as people get used to networking online they will embrace the joy of sharing resources.
