Monday, December 13, 2010

Final report - enjoy!

Here is my final report.

Finished it last week but was having problems publishing in Google Docs (oh it was such a simple problem - be in edit mode!)

A Quick Summary of report:
A needs assessment was conducted with a primary school’s teaching staff at the conclusion of a three year ICT cluster contract. This type of evaluation was chosen to investigate what professional development needs to be put in place for teachers to continue to teach ICT effectively.

  • Improve sustainability practises so all staff have a point of reference to refer to that is well documented.
  • Any professional development to be in line with the level taught, short in form, opportunities to revisit and non-negotiable.
  • Collaborative learning needs to be formalised across the school.
  • Teachers to be given opportunities to learn within a group, given formal input (from inside and outside the school), opportunities for directed sandpit time and further support both in the form of colleagues and/or documentation.
To use a language all would understand - good practices are being lost and lacked direction. I plan to publish my report for the staff first through management. This I feel would be the right protocol even though I am doing this course/report outside my position.

Some of the recommendations will be looked into and addressed through my 'Special Topic' to be completed next semester where I plan to create a wiki/website to support staff. I will use some of their recommendations as to how they learn to help with this.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie
    Happy New Year! Your project has some similarities with mine as both involves e learning/teaching. I was keen to know what motivates the staff to engage in eLearning and the responses were interesting. ‘Time’ seems to be the big issue for many and it was the same in my project. “Time – time to try, to fiddle, to be shown some aspects again’. I thought lack of interest was the very reason why staff did not involve as much as I expected but your survey result makes me think that ‘they need more time to tutu’. The same factor could affect student participation as well.
